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June 29, 2020

Raymond Byron (Castanets), Lee Gull Baggett Burnr 2

Well, I don’t even know how to start these things anymore. Same Shit, Different Day. It’s like Groundhogs Day meets 12 Monkeys meets Idiocracy as reimagined by Black Mirror. But strangely, Life Goes On. So, as usual, I’ve just been locking myself away in the studio, cutting records and burning through blades on my beloved […]

March 31, 2020

New Floating Action, Golden Boots, and Frequency Ghost and Cheap AF Bundles!

Well, are you bored yet? I am. But, we’ve got a bunch of new releases that have been in the pipeline, so I’ve had time to finish them and spend some real nice quality time with my Cricut scrapbooking cutter making die cut sleeves (which, like most of my past-times is constantly shifting blend of […]

January 23, 2020

New Floating Action LP, Wooden Wand Reissues, Be My Penpal, etc.

It is about to slow down some for us in PIAPTK land, as I stop taking on new projects for a bit of respite from banging my head against the rock/hard place that is running a labor intensive DIY label for weirdos and miscreant songwriters. But, in the mean time, here are the last couple […]

January 23, 2020

CD/Vinyl Hybrid Series, LABRYYYNTH, Wooden Wand Tape, new Keith John Adams LP,

n Wow. This news flash is going to be even more packed full than usual. Let’s get right to it: nn nn PREORDER: CD-RECORD SERIES: VINYL/CD HYBRID DISCS COMING SOON (Nov. 4th)nn nn Official Release Date of all CD-Records is December 2nd and all orders will ship to arrive by then.    nn This is […]

January 23, 2020

Soild Gold 00004 – Scott McMicken “IT” LP!

n nn We are ridiculously proud to present Soild Gold – 000004: Scott McMicken’s “IT”. nn “IT” is the first solo album from Dr Dog songwriter/singer, Scott McMicken! This album was recorded a while ago and was originally intended to be released as a cohesive unit, but was eventually partially pieced out for Dr. Dog bonus […]