# 1 – Golden Boots w/ Lonna Kelley – Eye in the Sky
Golden Boots are leading up to their 20th Anniversary of making music together with a series of collaborative cover singles. The first single in the series is a collaboration with Lonna Kelley (Cherie Cherie, Giant Sand, Solo) covering Alan Parsons’ Eye in the Sky on 8″ Pic Disc with art by Ryen Eggleston.
Here is a feature about the single!
ADD-ON BOX – If you bought the first three pic discs, Eye In The Sky, She Just Wanted to Watch The Sky, and The Pied Piper and want to complete the “Box Set”, Golden Boots made a limited number of custom stenciled boxes. Please don’t buy one of the boxes unless you have ALL THREE of the discs. We have a limited number of the previous discs if you missed one